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What’s blogging.. I don’t even know what a blog is I quite often hear… It’s kind of a public diary I guess.. I would love to hear what you love about blogging and/or reading blogs. I can’t imagine my life without my little blog now. I love it! I’m a pretty quiet person, who wouldn’t stand out in a crowd (unless I’d had a couple of glasses of wine and then you can only hear me.. ha ha!), so for me blogging is perfect. It means that I don’t have to feel uncomfortable whenever there are lots of people about. So for me, with blogging I have people’s attention.
I would also love to hear what you love and of course hate about my blog. What you would like more of and how I can improve it. As some of you know, I have a back condition that I’ve had for the last 20 years (makes me sound really old I know.. I’m 36..), but anyway I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) or Bechterew only 2 months ago. Why are you sharing this with us, you might think.. well.. because this is the reason I’m not commenting so much on other blogs and why I can’t spend so much time infront of my pc. So I just want to let you know that I would love to do more, but I can’t. Instead I try to focus on my blog. Because of my condition I have for the last year had an extremely sore shoulder. It’s like a stabbing pain that gets worse when I’m on my computer.. so as you can understand because of this I need to be careful. Sleeping is another issue as it’s of course not easy to sleep when you’re in pain all the time. I’m constantly at the DRs or the physiotherapist, but I still work more than a lot of people and I want to continue doing that. I love what I do. I like writing, photography, styling, learning new things, interiors and DIY of course and change (you may have noticed..). 
I was at the DRs again yesterday and I was reading interior design magazines from 2008 and 2009 as you do.. I found so many of the trends we have today.. It was quite funny and I felt like wripping some pages out, but don’t worry I didn’t.. Instead I’ll tell you what I saw. The difference was really in presentation. Things have improved a lot in terms of layout and photography + styling is better, but basically a lot of the trends were the same. Here’s a post about the 80s I did a while back. Even back in the 80s there where plates on the wall used as decoration. So, I’ve seen this trend in the 80s, 2008 and now in 2012. I think I would like to sum this up with what they say in Thailand 
“Same, same, but different.. “
Sorry for going really personal on you, but sometimes I need to get things out and I’m using my public diary to do so..  🙂 I’m not at all writing this to get sympathy because for me it’s not a new thing as I’ve said I’ve had this for 20 years and I’m used to it, I just didn’t know what it was. I just want to let you know why I’m not visiting and leaving comments. 
Have a lovely day! 
big hug

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  1. ynde says:

    Trist å høyre at du ikkje er frisk Hege. Helsa må alltid gå først og det viktigaste er å ta hensyn til den. Det er viktig å ha noko som ein brenner for og er interessert i, og eg er sikker på at det hjelper ein i å fokusera på andre ting. Flott at du deler tankar og erfaringar, det er alltid nokon andre som synes dette er godt og nyttig. Du har ein inspirerande blogg og du må sette dine eigne grenser for det du klarer ? Sender deg masse gode tankar ? "Keep calm and write a blogg"
    -you know! ;)klem Kjersti

  2. Lallabel says:

    It's difficult for me to express to you how I feel reading your words today because my english is awful… But I hope that you will understand and that you will feel the big, very big hug I'm giving you! Even if I don't know you (only virtually) I love you (ti voglio bene!). You are so lovely and simple girl full of passion! don't worry about the comments on other blogs..! Only think to you and to the things that make you feel fine!
    Go on!

  3. cartonbox says:

    Ne t'inquiète pas pour les commentaires, ce n'est pas une problème .le plus important c'est toi et ton blog qui nous ravit à chaque fois . 🙂

  4. blooms says:

    Bonjour Hege,

    Je suis peinée d'apprendre que tu es malade, mais je n'ai pas tout compris à cause de mon anglais qui est loin d'être aussi parfait que le tien. En ce qui concerne ton blog, il est parfait car il est tout simplement à ton image: SWEET et COOL!
    De mon côté, je ne laisse pas beaucoup de commentaires en ce moment car je suis un peu débordée par le travail et toute ma petite famille, etc. Il m'arrive de ne même pas ouvrir l'ordi pendant plusieurs jours et j'ai même pensé dernièrement à arrêter Amorelou…
    Je suis un peu "artisanale" en tant que blogeuse, je n'ai pas de facebook, ni Instagram, etc. Ca viendra peut-être… Je fais ma petite cuisine…Je suis sur ma petite planète. Aller sur d'autres blogs me permet de m'évader, de rencontrer d'autres sensibilités, de trouver de belles inspirations et des belles personnes dont tu fais partie.

    BIZZZZ; Amorelou.

  5. Hei.

    Jeg syns det er fint å være litt personlig jeg. Sleit en stund med det på egen blogg. Ville for all del ikke utlevere meg selv. Nå har jeg kommet litt over det (selv om det bare er fire av mine venner som vet jeg blogger…). Jegblogger fordi jeg syns det er morsomt å skrive og å ta bilder. På en måte burde jeg kanskje hatt en hverdagsblogg og ikke en interiørblogg ettersom jeg nok hadde vært bedre på hverdagslige ting. Jeg blogger også for jobben, men dette er en student/fagblogg. Bloggen er et slags fristed, hvor jeg kan være kreativ og lete etter inspirasjon hos andre. Som feks deg 😉

    Liker så godt bildene du poster. Kunne tenke meg å se mer av hjemmet deres 🙂

    Stor klem til deg

  6. vanbinnen says:

    Hello Hege,
    Nice to read something about you, I knew you had health problems. I think your blog is
    your way out of reality somethimes… Love your DIY en styling blogs, thanks for your comment on my blog ( it's special I understand after reading your blog now 😉
    Thanks for sharing, hugs Greta

  7. Villa Wonka says:

    Syns det er tøft at du tørr å være personlig jeg 🙂
    God bedring med skulderen. Får håpe den blir bedre snart 🙂

    Ha en flott uke videre!
    Klem Kristin

  8. Synes ikke det gjør noe om en er litt personlig innimellom,bare menneskeligjør oss mer.
    Det må jo være en lettelse å enndelig få en diagnose etter alle disse årene.Ja blogging er viktig, det er noe med å fokusere litt vekk fra en selv og få tenke på andre ting som gir seg glede i hverdagen…..
    en fin dag til deg…

  9. Annie says:

    Nice post dear Hege, sometimes is lovely to know who is behind someone
    blog, so, for me it is very nice and warm to write your personal stuff.
    by the way, take care and hope you will be better.
    for me, blogging is my little virtual and sometimes real world where I can dream,
    create and meet other people whom I can share my interest and dreams.
    have a nice day and take care

  10. ??? ???? says:


  11. Teresita A. says:

    Hang on Hege!!! Knowing what you have, your condition, is actually a good thing, you can have a better treatment, so it's a good thing right? Same thing happens to me with blogging and I'm always amazed that there are people waiting for my posts and silly words, haha! I love them so much for that, it makes me feel I'm sharing something good.

  12. vosges paris says:

    It is great you are able to express yourself in this way! Thank you for this sneak peek in your life.
    Bizz bizz

  13. Esther says:

    I am so sorry to hear about your condition! Hang on in there, I wish you all the best for the future and for blogging… I am so happy I discovered your bog through BYW, I find it so inspirational!!
    Greetings from Spain!

  14. My Attic says:

    Wow, good for you to share some personal things on your blog! It's really nice to see the person behind a blog so thanks! I hope you will feel better & get the right treatments… I think you are a strong girl with a lot of passion & creativity! Respect!


  15. Krissy Green says:

    I'm so sorry to hear about your condition Hege. I love your blog very much. It's so inspiring.

    What I love about blogging is it's like you have your own book full of all the wonderful, beautiful things that you love and make you smile. I find I'm learning so much about other cultures too – the food, how people live, what interests them, how people holiday – it's so different than down here in Australia. I find it so interesting.

    I hope you can find some help with your back and shoulder, pain is a horrible thing.
    Big big hugs to you Hege.
    Krissy XX