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On my wishlist


are beautiful washed linen slipcovers from Bemz… they have lovely new industrial style ones out… mmm! Love them! I would like a white one for my dark grey sofa. Imagine how that would change the room..

and a beige one for our bed..

or maybe white?!

photos via BEMZ

Love the fact that it’s possible to hide the fact that we’ve got one of the cheapest beds from IKEA.. 😉 
Nice aren’t they?!
Have a great day! Hx

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  1. Elv's says:

    beautiful wishes… beautiful pictures… inspiration 🙂 hug x

  2. Her var det mye lekkert, nesten så jeg ønsker jeg hadde Ikea sofa og seng. 🙂

    Har ikke sett så mye på loppemarkedene, vi har litt begrenset tid i Paris så spørs om det blir prioritert. 🙂

    Ha en flott ny uke.

    Klem fra Kari

  3. Miss M says:

    They're great! I like the nostalgic posters that so yee on picture 3 ; so beautiful!

    Greetings, Marjolijn ?

  4. very cool idea – great for some, but I'm not really into slipcovers too much, or curtains for that matter. I rather things exposed 🙂 I love that last image a lot. The lamp made me fall in love.
