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Walk in wardrobe


First of all, thank you so much for all the lovely comments on our new bedroom and the challenge Global Chic. I really appreciate it! Hugely motivated by it! Isn’t it wonderful what you can do with the most basic bed from IKEA… 🙂
Now the bedroom is finished I can continue on our walk in wardrobe. We can’t afford to buy any ready made solutions or a Sex and the City one (ha ha!), so we’ll have to do with what we’ve got. This just makes me feel like I have to come up with something better and makes me think more creatively, so it can’t be a bad thing.
Here’s some inspiration.
 source: apartment therapy
If you’ve got some great ideas please let me know. 
Have a great day!

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  1. Unn says:

    Dette tror jeg du greier Ã¥ finne ut av veldig enkelt selv…Det er jo du som er designeren…
    det blir spennende å se hva du ender opp med,
    men det blir vel noe elegant noe tenker jeg.

    Klem fra Unn 🙂