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Cute DIY table


Isn’t this just the cutest coffee table ever?

 via moodboard

Can you even get trestles this small?!
Love the old shutter what a great DIY idea.

After a lot of baking this morning we’re now going outside. 
I’ll be sanding my console table. 🙂 
Can’t wait to get it finished off!


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  1. expojippi says:

    Ah, for en herlighet!! Digger størreslsen på bordet,
    man kan ikke få stort nok stuebord liksom =)

    Herlig å starte dagen med baking da!! Du er som meg
    du da, med mest energi på morningen =)

    Fine tanker til deg. Håper solen skinner på deg og dine.

    Jippi; Ane

  2. Dette var veldig fint:-) Har selv funnet en gammel lem i annekset som ble til vårt stuebord. Og jeg vil gjerne ha litt bakst!!

  3. moa says:

    helt h e r l i g bord!
    skulle likt å hatt det ja 🙂
    ha en finfin onsdag, hege

  4. hello!!
    ils ont jolis ces petits tréteaux!!!^^
    merci pour mes nuages…je t'ai mis des photos sur le blog!!
    belle soirée

  5. Hei Hege!

    Gratulerer sååå mye den flotte butikken din!! Så kjekt! 🙂
    Ønsker deg masse, masse lykke til!

    Så fint å se innom deg igjen 🙂

  6. Krossmyra says:

    Det bordet var kjempestilig:)

  7. Svenja says:

    i like it hege, really cool!
    please show your console table soon, i am excited 😉
    hugs, svenja

  8. Itzi says:

    Thank you for your comment, I also love your blog.

    The best for your new shop, I also have one, I invite you to visit it: http://bowshop.blogspot.com.es/ and I talked about your at http://transitoinicial.blogspot.com.es/ because she just published the legs for the sofas you sell.


  9. Oh yes I love that kind of diy project… in gent (belgium) there is a place where you can find some old wooden "plateaux", framed with steel… and that size.. I guess I'm gonna take some before moving (15€ each)!! You're welcome… we'd go together!! have a nice day with the sun Hege!

  10. Annie says:

    love it,…I just buy the colour for my coffee table, named "old wood"!
    have a nice day!