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DIY chalkboard paint



Can’t find the colour of chalkpaint you want?! MAKE IT!

It’s so easy to make! I’ve tried it and it works. 


Here’s what to do

1 Cup of latex house paint or acrylic craft paint
1 TBSP of non-sanded tile grout 
(not sure what non-sanded is so I just tried with our tile grout and it worked)
Mix together until there are no lumps and that’s it!
Paint your surface with the mixture with a small roller for a smoother finish. 2 or 3 coats. Let it dry completely and then try it! To clean your chalkboard simply use a damp cloth. 🙂
Wish my handwriting was better… 
Saw photofunia being used on designhund and had to try it.. 
like it!

Have fun painting! Hx

Leave a Reply

  1. Elsa says:

    Så kult!

  2. Mi familia says:

    Very nice idea!
    I love the colors you show on the last post.

    Bonne journée

  3. Ja, utroli fint å bruke farger, ikke bare sort 🙂
    Morro m photofunia og 😉

  4. Basteljenta says:

    Det var jo veldig nyttig! Det skal jeg prøve! Jeg liker forresten bloggen din!

  5. my dream says:

    stiligt… lurte på noe sånt til rommet til størstemann 🙂 gøy m tavle 🙂

  6. Kult! Gjør kanskje det jeg også. Magnus sier han vil bare ha brunt og sort på rommet.. hihi! han er 4!

  7. Ja litt morsomt at man kan få den fargen man vil.
    Liker bloggen din også!
    klem Hege

  8. Ja litt gøy med farger og photofunia var jo også litt morsomt – veldig lett å bruke også 🙂