So searching for photos to put out on my blog’s sometimes harder than it seems because I sometimes can’t find the name of the photographer and I don’t like putting anything out without a name to it.. This for example.. I love this photo and on tumbler 146 people also likes this, but WHO took the photo and where did it come from?!
I’ve seen other people writing about this too. Loads of people are now watermarking their work and I think I will too, not that my stuff is very professional, but it’s still MINE! I’m glad when people like what I’ve done, but I would still like the credit for it! 🙂 Agree?! Hope you don’t think I’ve gone mad, I just feel like it’s important to give people credit.
Enough of that it’s FRIDAY and I’m working on a fun project that I will show you next week or maybe at the weekend.. we’ll see.. 🙂 It’s an upcycling project. A really easy one… That you can make very quickly. Have a great day! hx
Ps! Don’t forget my give away!!!
Ja det er greit å merke bildene sine.
Flott bilde,er spent på hva du lager nå:)
ha en fin fredag
Your so right…. Unfortunately this is very recognizable…. Hug x
Lurer på om jag också ska begynne å merke bildene mine. Vi får se.
Härligt bild du visar, oavsett fotograf. 🙂
Önskar dig en fin helg!
Du tar så nydelige bilder!:)
Legger meg til som følger av bloggen din!
Stikk gjerne innom meg en gang hvis du har lyst, jeg er helt ny i bloggverden 🙂
God helg!