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The funniest….


Easter eggs EVER! They look so worried… about being eaten I guess ha ha! Thanks to Emma for pointing them out to me. I had to have them!

 Our lovely bread from the market this morning.

We had a nice time. Thank you so much for your messages! 
Now time to do some work.
Have a brilliant day! hx

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  1. Hehehe – de der kan du jo bare ikke spise! Får jo dårlig samvittighet;)
    Se der ja – der har vi begge kommet så langt at vi tar bilder av brød. Men de er jo vakre da! Fortsatt fin dag:-)

  2. Ahhhaaha! Those eggs are hilarious! You are right, they look very worried 😉

    Brilliant day to you too!

  3. Lady Justine says:

    They're so funny looking! Bless them. I'd be worried too, if I were a chocolate egg!

  4. Marit says:

    Det brødet er ikke akkurat det samme som man får på rema 1000! Herlig!:)
    Morsomme egg også 😉

    Ha en riktig fin påske!

  5. mwouhahahaha!!!!les oeufs en chocolat!!! :))

  6. Små gleder says:

    Haha, love'em 😀