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I found it!


Remember I was talking about the wall behind our bed the other day?! Well… instead of trying and perhaps failing miserably to use cement… I’ve found wall paper that looks like a cemented wall. Have seen similar things before, but they’ve always been far too expensive. So, we’ve bought it and the whole wall cost us 35€ including the glue! Wow! Quite impressed! And on top of that, we got to borrow a steamer to take the old wallpaper off! So that’s the plan for tomorrow.. at least steaming the wall.. 🙂 pleased!

What do you think? Nice right?! 
Love finding cheaper alternatives!

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  1. Lisette says:

    Nydelig, elsker slik tapet! Og kjekt at du stakk innom bloggen min, vi snakkes nok mye i neste år også;)

  2. My Attic says:

    Great find! By the way, the letters arrived! I will make pictures as soon as they are on my wall… Very happy with it, thanx!

  3. Elsa says:

    Veldig kult! Hilsen fra Elsa