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Liebster Blog Award


I got the Liebster blog award from Elv’s yesterday. I was chosen as one of five great blogs. Thank you so much! This is my first award related to the blog so it’s very exciting for me!

The way the Liebster blog award works is that you give it to 5 blogs, but it’s only given to blogs with less than 200 followers. You also link back to the person giving you the award. What a nice way of promoting new blogs! 
Here are the blogs that I would like to
give the Liebster award to :

Go check them out! 🙂 
Have a great Tuesday! hx

Leave a Reply

  1. Unn says:

    Da må jeg bare gratulere deg. Det er ingen
    ting som er så fint som å bli satt pris på.

    Klem fra Unn 🙂

  2. Elsa says:


  3. oooh!!hege…thank you! and accept with pleasure your prize!!!^^
    you are so cute ? !!!

  4. 365 ting says:

    Tusen takk for prisen Hege!! Hvilken fantastisk motivasjon til en fersk blogger ; ) Takk til deg for en flott blogg!

    Stor klem Birgitte

  5. Gratulerer med award 😀

    Klem Karianne

  6. congrats! lovely greetings


  7. Tusen tack, jag blev jätteglad. Vilken fin blogg, nu ska jag kika runt lite..
    Ha det fint!