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Luxury Barcelona Apartment


Vintage interior design in a luxury apartment in Barcelona.. look at this! I’m not a pink girl, but I’m still strangely attracted to this place.

source housevaganza
Dreamy isn’t it?! 
Did you spot the large white frame in the bedroom..? Like it!

Have a nice evening! hx

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  1. Wow…her kunne jeg flyttet rett inn…og med rosa smeg-kjøleskap kunne ikke passet meg bedre;o)
    Her hjemme holder vi på å snø inne..så nå kan du tro vi er klar for å flytte nedover snart.
    Ha en fortsatt fin kveld.
    Klem fra Maliva

  2. Rå stilig appartment…kunne flyttet inn der:)
    Ha en flott kveld

  3. Miss M says:

    Ooh, wat a beuatiful appartment! Dat pink freezer of Smeg: wow!

    Greetings, Marjolijn

  4. white life© says:

    Wow – I would like to live there …. I LOVE this style!!!


  5. Deilige inspirasjonsbilder!!!!!!!

  6. Krossmyra says:

    Åh den var kul! Herlige bilder:)


  7. Svenngården says:

    OMG! sååååå fint!
    Wow.. lenge siden jeg har sett et SÅ inspirerende hjem 🙂

    Takk for at du deler!

  8. Carla says:

    I´m attracted to it too. I have always thought that flats had to have sober colors in the walls and furniture, those being brown, black, white, beige and maybe dark blue. However, this pics and the place I stayed in Argentinalast year convinced me that I was wrong. When I decided to rent apartments in buenos aires , I did not know it was going to have green and orange walls and violet sofas. I was impressed of my own reaction when I saw them. I did not dislike them at all, on the contrary, I found them risky and appealing. We have to open our minds to a new deco era!