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Maison d’objet… PARIS


So I’m thinking about going to Maison d’objet in Paris next Friday… anybody going?! I was there in 2007 and I loved it (except for the fact that I was 6 months pregnant, huge and nearly cried when I had to leave because I just couldn’t walk any more..)!! I even saw Philippe Starck with my own eyes…
If I go I will try to have enough time to go to MERCI too, 
but that might be pushing it! I read about this shop on Vosgesparis. This is one of my favorite blogs.
Dream, dream, dream….
Have a nice day!

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  1. Det høres spennende ut! Heldig du:)

  2. 365 ting says:

    Tusen takk for din hyggelige og energiske kommentar, love it 😉
    Jeg vil gjerne være med som en flue på veggen i Paris, ingen by er flottere! God tur!

    Stor klem Birgitte