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My new cushions


Good morning! 
The sun is shining here today it makes a change! It’s crazy how much more motivated I feel just because of some sun. Today I’ll be finishing our bedroom! I’m going to submit it to a Norwegian challenge tomorrow called Global chic. Here are a couple of photos of the cushions I made this weekend. Let me know if you like them. 
Our bedroom has changed a lot from being quite cold to much more inviting and relaxing. I’ve added some strange Hege-ART that I’m hoping you’ll like. I’ll be submitting my post tomorrow in Norwegian as it is a Norwegian challenge, but you can of course translate it.
Thank you all so much for the feedback on the photography backdrops! I’ll be making my order today! Very excited about this new product. 
Have a nice Monday!

Leave a Reply

  1. Flotte puter du har sydd…gleder meg til innlegget ditt:)
    ha en fin dag…

  2. Veldig fine – så flink du er!

  3. Unn says:

    Når det gjelder sort/mørke grått synes jeg de er veldig fine som accentfarger. Men de gule putene dine var ekstra fine, selv om de to fargene er veldig fine sammen.

    Klem fra Unn 🙂
    PS: Mange fine varer hos deg.

  4. Fabelaktig says:

    Så herlige puter!

    Fabelaktig start på uken
    Klem til fineste deg!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Waw it is great! Love the yellow parts. I think yellow is the new blue and a must have comming season.