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First of all, I would like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of you that voted for me in the Global chic challenge! I’m very excited about making it to the final again! You can see the winners here.

Yesterday I was in PARIS at Maison d’objet and it was  
just unbelievably cool! I have found one company to work with for sure and perhaps another 5 or 6 for the future. I’m sad to say that it was not allowed to take photos, BUT I asked at the stand where I will become a new customer and I was allowed to take some photos.. 🙂
So, for my new shop I will stock NORDAL products!! They are a Danish company and have incredibly exciting industrial style products. LIKE LIKE LIKE! 
Here are my very quickly snapped photos of their stand. 

What do you think? For me it was the perfect match as I love industrial products. I basically found their stand and thought I want that, that, that and that… 🙂 Love the style! 
I managed to get a free coffee and 6 teaspoons as gifts!! Had I been buying expensive designer furniture though I would have been drinking CHAMPAGNE! 🙂 Maybe better that I wasn’t..
I didn’t just go the the expo I also went to MERCI and I bought a lamp that I will show you soon.
I also manged a trip to BHV next to Hotel de Ville. This is a huge department store with basically everything you can think of. I even managed to find the Playmobil horse I was looking for for my little boy I had to leave at home with his chicken pox..
My brother found the name of the tiny shop I was talking about! Thank you Pål!! It’s called Tombees du camion which basically means fallen off a lorry.. They have 3 shops and you can find info on how to get there on their site. I would have loved to go, but I simply couldn’t walk any further… and also had to get to my train.. not to mention the 20 kilos of brochures I was carrying.. at least it felt like 20 kilos…
For anybody going to Paris I would also recommend a trip to Montmartre there are lots of little shop, coffee shop and it’s just got a nice atmosphere. Also my Amelie café is there too 🙂  I didn’t have time yesterday, but next time I’ll make sure I have enough time to go.
Thank you so much for reading and for your really kind messages!! Have a great Tuesday! Hx

Leave a Reply

  1. Dååååån – for en dag du har hatt! Lucky you:-) Nordal har mye fint – godt valg:). Jeg var i Paris og på Montmatre i oktober. Lengter tilbake.. Ha en fin dag, klem fra Elin

  2. Ja Danskene de kan dette de:)Skal du åpne en butikk??
    Ha en riktig flott dag,sitter og tar sats før jeg skal gå igang å male gangen:)

  3. Ja de fleste butikkene jeg liker er danske 🙂
    Jeg holder på å sette opp en web-butikk
    siden vi bor på landet er det ikke så lett med vanlig
    lykke til med gangen! moro!
    klem Hege

  4. 365 ting says:

    ÅÅ der ville jeg vært, man vil helst hoppe inn i alle bildene, for en dag!!
    Må snart tilbake til Paris, kan jo se det er så mye mer å besøke.. Love it! Btw så er Nordal en stor favoritt, men ja danskene kan det… alle ens favoritt merker kommer jo derfra!
    Ha en finfin kveld! Stor klem

  5. Unn says:

    PARIS…min favorittby. Den er byen over alle
    byer for meg. Heldige deg som kunne gå rundt
    og se på varene til Nordal! De er min favoritt
    blant de mer moderne, industrielle. De har så
    lekker design, vakre ting med slitt look
    blandet med det røffe. Det er det nærmeste
    jeg kommer den litt moderne stilen. Og; turkis
    er min yndlingsfarge nr. 1, i alle sjatteringer.

    Klem fra Unn 🙂