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Some inspiration..


After a lovely Christmas I now need some inspiration of something other than Christmas.. We’ll be doing our bedroom wall in January and I’m starting to prepare for it.. hence the reason for this bedroom inspiration. 

source unknown
source unknown

I wish…
FOTO: House Doctor
via apartment therapy
Then I keep seeing bedrooms with a black wall… mmm… like that too… Should I just paint over our white wallpaper?! and then peel some of the wallpaper off?! 🙂
source dwellings
source dwellings
What’s a girl to do…??

At least I know for sure that I want to use the headboard that I upcycled earlier this autumn.

As always I try to design things the most inexpensive way possible and of course I use unique things to make it that little bit more special…  You’ll have to wait another couple of weeks before our bedroom is finished.. 🙂
Thanks for reading! Hx

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  1. Blir spennende å se hvordan det blir:)
    Skal male opp stue og gang,og greier ikke helt å bestemme meg for hvordan:)
    ha en fin morgendag