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White & Summer


Some random summer pics on a Monday morning. 
Have a nice day! Hope it’s sunny where you are. 

Leave a Reply

  1. minutedeco says:

    Nice pictures.
    I can't seem to remember the name of the chairs in the first. Maybe you can help me.
    Have a nice day

  2. Carmel says:

    Wow this is lovely, thanks:)

  3. Annie says:

    Oh, yes we do have sunny and very hot here!
    I am big fan of having " white" in interiors.
    great pics
    have a nice da dear Hege
    annie x

  4. j'aime la photo 4!!!belle ambiance!!!
    bravo pour ton weekend à l'île d'oleron!!!j'adore tes photos!!!^^
    belle journée

  5. Sivs hus says:

    Hei, Herlige lyse sommermotiv fra lyse og vakre rom. Økologisk sommergave hos deg! sommerklem Siv:-)

  6. tinajo says:

    Love the kitchen!

  7. Fantastico ?
    Elsker hvitt, hvitt, hvitt… 🙂

    Ha en fin mandag;)

  8. Flisan says:

    Elsker bildene og drømmer meg heeeelt bort,,,,,
    Takk for at du deler inspirasjon !

  9. Mariela says:

    Beautiful!!, love the first image, have a lovely week,big hug!

  10. Fresh and breezy! Have a nice week 😉