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Clipboard LOVE…


For some reason I’ve always loved clipboards..

 photo by me..
I have another give away lined up!! I’ll let you know more on Friday. Also, as soon as I have 100 likes on Facebook I’ll do a Hege in France give away too!
Tomorrow we’re finally picking up my parents at the train station! Haven’t seen them for 9 months, so it’ll be nice! Magnus has been counting down the days.. 

Have a great evening! We’ll be eating outside again!! Starting to get used to this.. 😉  hx

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  1. Svenja says:

    i also love clipboards hege, its so easy to pin your inspiration on it without destroying your whole wall 😉
    enjoy your time with your parents, 9 months is a long time, so you will have to talk a lot 😉
    hugs, svenja
    (i am excited for your next giveaway 🙂 )

  2. Monica says:

    digger! 😉

  3. Ja, clipboards kan vara riktigt snyggt å bruke hjemme.

    Ha det nu riktigt fint med föräldrarna dina på besök!

  4. 9 mnd???!!!!????!!!Herlighet som jeg unner deg et besøk hjemmefra,dette var jo forferdelig!!! Kos dere masse med besøk,det aner meg at verdens beste klemmer kommer til å befinne segpå den togstasjonen ganske snart:)))