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Bathrooms and hanging planters


I’m kind of addicted to green plants just now (your’ve probably noticed). I like the idea of having green plants everywhere, even in the bathroom. But where do you put them? I love hanging baskets or hanging planters. They can be hung either next to a window, on a hook or even on your shower rail. Wouldn’t it be a nice thing to see first thing in the morning? 

Depending on your choice of string and pots it’s also a nice way of adding some colour to your bathroom. 
Frisson via houzz
There are so many fun hanging planters out there and also lots of DIY ideas. 
You can find a tutorial of how to make your own hanging planter here
photo by Refinery29
Don’t you think a green plant on the shower rail in this photo would look great?
I think a bit of greenery is quite good for us. 
In fact, I actually believe it can make us happier. 

This post was written in collaboration with Mira Showers.

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  1. Qué buena opción. La verdad que no tengo ninguna en el baño pero voy a plantearmelo.