Having some downtime recently has helped me refocus and to achieve my weekly goals. Read on for tips on how to achieve goals and why setting goals can have such a big impact on your business and personal life. Including your free weekly goals printable.
I’ve organised all and I mean all of our cupboards Marie Kondo style. I know where everything is. Everything is tidy, some things were donated or recycled and with all of this comes a feeling of calm. This might sound very cliche, but I’m a believer in an organised home. It works. Going back to work after Christmas, I felt less stressed and our home minimal.
Not only did I tidy and organise during the holidays, I ran out of interesting Netflix programs to watch. Instead I ended up watching goal setting YouTube videos, I highly recommend this one by Muchelleb. Feeling highly inspired, I started searching for a good weekly planner. This helped me create my own weekly manageable goals.
Write Manageable Lists to help you achieve your goals
I’m a list writer, but I’m slowly learning that my lists are a little overwhelming and not so achievable. You need to be more specific to actually get things ticked off your list. Having done a lot of courses last year, I learned that you should only focus on two things at a time. I have to admit, it kind of felt ridiculous to start with. Overwhelming and confusing too.
My work is very diversified and that is what I love the most about it. I’m a Pinterest manager for brands, I write a blog, I work as a stylist and photographer for brands and I also have social media accounts, as well as, my family and friends and a home too. There are a lot of things going on daily and many people to keep in touch with. How could I possibly only focus on two things?! It seemed impossible.
I wasn’t able to shift my focus to only two things immediately, but it was on my mind a lot. I mentioned earlier that I was making more achievable resolutions this year. I’m also being more realistic when I plan my time. This is a good article to help you write achievable to do lists.
The book Atomic Habits by James Clear is really useful for setting achievable goals.
Use a Planner You Love
I highly recommend the planners by Papier. As you can see from the photo below, there are boxes where you can add your top three priorities and you do this on a weekly basis. Only a couple of weeks in, my priorities for the week haven’t been the same every week, but that’s only because I’ve managed to achieve some of my weekly goals already. TICK (sorry)
If you like the daily planner from Papier, take £15 off your first order with my Papier discount link. The planners are undated, so you can start anytime.

Create Daily Priorities to lessen the overwhelm
Because my weekly goals are followed up with daily priorities, they are much more achievable. I’ve also adopted having my top 3 daily priorities and that’s helped me even more.
In addition to my weekly goals, I also have monthly and quarterly goals. I’m going to share one of my quarterly goals this year and it was to launch a course. I’m working with Trona, an SEO and Pinterest expert and we are so excited to have launched our first course together. If you’re interested, you can find out more about our Pinterest course for businesses.

Use Goal Setting Worksheets to help you achieve your goals
I want to share some inexpensive downloadable goal setting worksheets I found on Etsy. The minimal weekly goal setting planner and My goals this week both by Eveopaper. I also found a lot of great printables by Crossbow Planner Co. There’s also a planner with a goal setting focus. I don’t think this is something you have to start at the beginning of the year. The beginning of a new week is totally fine. Lots of planners, as well as printables are not dated, which is great.
If you struggle with being productive from home read my tips here.
Create Some Space for Yourself to Focus on Goals
I’ve been getting up really early on a Saturday or Sunday morning before anybody else is up. I sit down with my coffee and plan my week. I set my weekly goals and get really specific on what I want to work on each day. If you know me, you might be laughing at all of this. This is not me, well it definitely wasn’t me. But I’m happy to say it’s really working and it all makes so much sense.
So far this year, I’ve not felt overwhelmed and that’s huge for me. If I can help somebody else feel less stressed and overwhelmed too, then it’s definitely worth writing this blogpost. I’m also scheduling in some time for me to for example exercise. This was something I didn’t do before and it often didn’t happen.
Download your free weekly goals printable
I’ve created a FREE weekly goal setting printable for you. Print it out and get started today.
I really hope this post has been a little inspiring. If you are already setting weekly goals, please let me know how you’re getting on. I would love to hear from you. Maybe you can give me some ideas on what works for you.
If you like this please make sure you sign up to my newsletter to receive the printable.