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Let’s open those doors!


So we had a great weekend and were outside a lot. It makes such a difference to have a bit of sunshine! If only Scotland had good weather all the time. It would be a much happier place.. ! All the cafés were full and people were smiling! Of course it’s not always like this and today it’s raining again. Well, it’s back to work, so it doesn’t matter to much I suppose.. 
This Monday morning I’m taking you to Brisbane, Australia. This award-winning house designed by A-CH is very special. I love the windows and sliding doors and the fact that you are in one with nature. There’s so much light in this home. Imagine being able to open up your home like this.. ! It would work well even if it was raining. It would be somewhere sheltered regardless of weather conditions. It’s like a secret, adaptable balcony in the middle of the home. The decor’s not at all bad either.. In fact it’s spot on and a bit different.
photos by Alicia Taylor
Very cool, isn’t it?!
I can’t wait to show you tomorrow’s Tuesday Tips, as it’s something new to me. I really like this idea.. so do come back to see what it is! 
Have a fab new week! Rain or no rain!

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  1. Åpent hus says:

    yes, we like! 🙂
    elsker å viske ut skillet mellom ute og inne når årstiden tillater
    klem herfra