I’m going to be highly personal and share with you again as I’ve had a few questions from you.. First of all, no my shoulder isn’t getting any better. The Dr gave me anti-inflammatory tablets, but they gave me terrible stomach pains.. and she then gave me a tablet for my stomach.. that tablet makes my heartbeat rase and leaves me awake all night.. so I’ve now got more problems than I had when I went to the Dr… So I’m very frustrated.. I’m still on the Whole30 diet and finding it quite easy now.
This morning I’ve decided to look up anti-inflammatory herbs and give them a go instead. There are also things you can eat like blueberries, broccoli and sweet potato, so I’ll be going to buy some later. It’s worth trying. So, basically I’m kind of worse off and I’m still not spending much time in front of my pc… but I had some time to re-arrange our ever-changing bedroom again and here’s a sneak peak.. 🙂 The room-divider is also finished and here it is..
I’m so sorry I can’t visit blogs.. I don’t like missing out..
Have a lovely day!
I had the same problem with anti-inflammatory medication – it ended up causing me so much pain in my stomach that the pain in my legs felt less as a result! Hope you feel better soon x
Wow, that must be so frustrating! I hope you will find the right medication & feel better soon!!
XX Marij
So sorry to hear this Hege…. I hope you will find the right treatment very very soon and you will feel better! hug elvx
Huff så leit at du skal få så mange andre plager i tilegg og ikke bli bra…Håper de finner ut av det snart!Ser flott ut på soverommet ditt:)
Hope you feel better soon, good rest this weekend!
Take care!! Big hug! XSUUS
Oh Hege I'm so sorry! Don't worry about visiting blogs and only think about getting better!
A big kiss for you.. smack! :*
So sorry to read this, I hope you get better very soon : )
From here your room looks great!!
Take care dear friend!
Big hug!
no apology necessary. heal and don't give up hope that you will beat this thing.
Aie!!! prends soin de toi Hege. Bises.
Eat green lipped muscles.
Oh Hege, je suis desolée… Je te souhaite plein de courage! Don't give up!!!!!!
Oh Hege, I really, really hope you feel better soon. Always sending good thoughts your way Xx.