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Soon shop launch..


My shop is coming together and I will be opening my new web-shop very soon… here are some of the products I will be selling..
Paris postcards from Little brown pen
Old letterpress letters
Washi tape from MT
String from The Twinery

Professional photography backgrounds

Unique vintage items like..
Ceiling tiles
Alarm clocks
Industrial lamps

Tins and vases

There will of course be a give away too!
Thank you so much for all your comments I really appreciate them! If you want to leave me a comment in Norwegian or French please do! I try to answer all comments. 🙂 hx

Leave a Reply

  1. Mrs. Monday says:

    Åhhhhh, SÅ MYE LEKKERT!
    Dette blir spennende!

    Klem fra
    Mrs. Monday

  2. my dream says:

    knall… vil dette kunne sendes til norge og?

  3. Ja jeg kan sende overalt, men til Norge vil det komme toll i tillegg som vanlig.. Men bra priser blir det 🙂

  4. Så spennende – og så mye fint!! Klem

  5. A lot of temptations that's for sure.Good luck Hege,How exciting:))))

  6. Her var mye fristende. Lykke til med butikk-start:)

  7. My Attic says:

    Very exciting!! Nice products as well…

  8. Hulda says:

    så mye fint! Falt for vekkeruret. Stilig!

  9. Banebakken says:

    Åhi, så spennende! Her så jeg mye jeg likte GODT : )
    GOD helg til deg, Hege!


  10. isa says:

    tout est sublime ! bonne chance pour ta boutique…
    bon week end