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Unusual loft


Love this place. It’s an old mill in Marseille that has been transformed into a loft. There are so many lovely details and a lot of ideas to steal too. Don’t know what I like the most.. the lampshades, the frames, the gold chairs, the pockets on the bedhead, the red console table..

Have a lovely day! I’ll let you know who won the giveaway later. 
648 names were in the draw!

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  1. Wow så flott! Elsker alt her jeg, og spesielt kanskje lampane. Aldri sett før! Ha en aldeles strålende lørdag! Klem

  2. tinajo says:

    The third pic is magic! 🙂

  3. Wow! Love those lights! And walls!


  4. les cadres dorés sont une belle inspiration!!^^
    have a sweet saturday hege!!!bisous

  5. Love the juxtaposition of the gloss furniture against the bare brick walls.

  6. You always find such interesting spaces Hege!

    Thanks 🙂

  7. Mariela says:

    I wrote you a comment and didn't know it was my husband account,ups! ha! , I love the bedroom is beautiful, have a lovely day, big hug!.

  8. Pure Surface says:

    Kule bilder, liker spesielt de lampene på det øverste bilde=)

  9. Cyn | decyng says:

    wow! amazing place!