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Without Pinterest


The last few days I’ve been so busy cleaning windows and getting the house ready for viewings that I’ve not even had time to blog or have a look on Pinterest…  So here are some of my latest pinns from this morning. Looks like spring and white furniture / walls are taking over! Enjoy! 
Hege in France spring photo Pianca
Hege in France spring
Hege in France spring photo Oyoy
Don’t forget! Tomorrow is Tuesday Tips day again! 

We’ve got a blue skye again today. YES! Magnus has a 2 week holiday now, so I’m sure we’ll be playing a lot outside and go for walks. Enjoy the new week! 

Leave a Reply

  1. So lovely pictures, with a fresh and light feeling. No signs of spring in Scandinavia (Finland) yet, just snow…

  2. Harmony says:

    Imágenes inspiradoras

  3. Mayflower says:

    Beautiful and inspiring post Hege.
    It feels like Spring.
    Have a nice week.

    Warm wishes, Mea

  4. Tibs says:

    I think I should finally start pinning.
    Have a great week, Hege!

  5. My Attic says:

    Beautiful pictures! Good luck with the house & enjoy your holiday!!

  6. Good luck! I hope you put everything in order soon! 😀

  7. Love this first picture floor! XXX