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After the party & winner


Just a couple of pics after M’s Birthday Party. 


The winner of the give away is……..

There were 648 entries, so it took a while to count 🙂


You can choose a reproduction Eames chair from Hege in France.

If you didn’t win, there’s still a chance to win a €75 giftcard at Hege in France on Elv’s blog. Click HERE to enter the give away closes tomorrow so HURRY!

 I’ve not been able to visit any blogs today as I was preparing for the little party and baking etc.. 
I’ll visit you all tomorrow!
Have a nice evening!


Leave a Reply

  1. Mariela says:

    Congratulations to Nathalie!, and enjoy your beautiful party!, big hug!.

  2. Grattis til bursdagsbarnet og lykke til med party! Fortsatt finfin helg til deg 🙂 Klemmer

  3. Mi familia says:

    Gratulerer til bursdagbarnet og til den heldig stol vinner!! 🙂 Kos dere,

  4. moa says:

    fin feiring
    fortsatt flott helg hege!

  5. What is it a great chair! Nathalie congratulations!

    This give-away I have not participated, but I have done with the give-away from Elv's.



  6. Je suis comblée , ravie , joyeuse d'être la gagnante de ce super concours. Je n'arrive pas encore à y croire. Je suis un amoureuse des chaises EAMES, comme beaucoup je vois avec toutes ces participations. Merci, vraiment merci merci !

  7. Elv's says:

    Félicitations Nathalie!

  8. enjoy the party!

  9. elise says:

    là il en fallait de la chance !

  10. Gratulerer til vinneren!