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Magazine feature


Excited to be featured in a brand new magazine in Norway!! Det Nye Interiør. They asked my for three bargain buys. Here’s my selection; a bric-à-brac vase and wooden kiwi bird, and a marble lamp

Here are some great Friday links for you;
Nathalie’s fantastic outdoor space with her sofa made from pallets. 
This copper DIY by Monsterscircus on Eclectic Trends.
A cool DIY lamp makeover by Mrs Monday on Stein Saks og Papir
Come join me on Pinterest for some more inspiration.
Happy Friday and Happy Birthday Pål (older but wiser, right?!) !!!

Leave a Reply

  1. Bravo pour le magazine ! et merci pour le clin d'oeil Hege . Bises

  2. Congratulations! So cool 🙂

  3. Mrs. Monday says:


    Grattis med omtale i Det Nye Interiør (som definitivt er et av mine nye favorittblader) og takk for link til min nye DIY-blogg!

    Klem fra
    Lena // Mrs. Monday

  4. Hege Morris says:

    Merci, Nathalie! J'adore la terrasse! bises

  5. Hege Morris says:

    Thank you so much, Flor!

  6. Hege Morris says:

    Tusen takk! Ja det var utrolig mye fint i bladet. Bare hyggelig! Du lager så mye fint. Hx